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Palestinian envoy bids adieu to Sri Lanka


COLOMBO : The outgoing Ambassador of the State of Palestine and Dean of Diplomatic Corps Dr. Zuhair Hamdallah Dar Zaid profusely thanked people of Sri  Lanka for their spontaneous support and assistance to the children in Gaza and for their sentiments shown towards the cause of Palestinians 

The ambassador who broke into tears while speaking said that he was sad to leave this pleasant island where he had spent nearly 10 years with the people of Sri Lanka who had shown immense sympathy towards his people and said “ Good Bye Sri Lanka and long- live it’s strong people to people relations.” 

The envoy was speaking at a farewell reception held in his honour by the All Ceylon Union of Muslim League Youth Front at the Mandarina Hotel, Colombo on Monday August 19.

National President of the All Ceylon Union of Muslim League Youth Front Sham Nawaz delivered the welcome address.

Ambassador of the State of Palestine Dr. Zuhair Hamdallah Dar Zaid, Former Member of Parliament and Co- Chairman of the Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine Bimal Rathnayake and Senior Vice President of the Sri Lanka Journalists for Global Justice Mahinda Hattaka also addressed the gathering.

All Ceylon Union of Muslim League Youth Front founder Member and Past President Imthiaz Bakeer Markar MP together with Past Presidents, President, Secretary and Treasurer presented memento to the Ambassador.

Also Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine, Beruwela Abrar Foundation and Kaluthara Muslim League Youth Front lol presented mementos to the Ambassador at this ceremony.

Deputy Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Sri Lanka, Hisham Abu Taha,  Former Ambassadors of Islamic Republic of Iran M.M. Zuhair PC and Omar Kamil, along with former High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan N. M. Shaheid, Colombo Times Chief Editor and Arab News Colombo Correspondent Mohammed Rasooldeen, Al Ceylon YMMA Conference National President Amhar Shareef, Zahira College Principal Trizviiy Marikkar, Sri Lanka Muslim Media Forum President N.M. Ameen,  Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine Secretary Fawzer Farook, Vice Presidents Ameen Izzadeen and Ms. Hana Ibrahim were also present. 

The outgoing ambassador is to take up his appointment as ambassador of Pakistan shortly in Islamabad.

The programme was completed by Tassy Dhahlan

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