COLOMBO ;, Following inclement weather prevailing in the country, the Sri Lanka Navy dispatched 11 relief teams to the districts of Ampara, Batticaloa and Matara. The relief teams are currently (as of 27th November 2024) working in full swing to provide necessary aid and support to affected communities.
With the heavy rainfall, Wellaweli, Suduwella and Oluvil in Ampara, Karthivu, Navinnaveli and Pothuvil in Kalmunai, Nosalanamale in Batticaloa and Akuressa, Athuraliya, Balakawala and Arampathwala area in Matara were inundated and these 11 relief teams were deployed to these areas for flood relief duties. The relief teams are currently engaged in relief and rescue operations and providing transportation to meet requirements of communities, utilizing dinghies.
Meanwhile, a Navy diving team engaged in rescue of missing persons, following a tractor swept away by floods in Karthivu area in Batticaloa, has retrieved the corpse of a child. The retrieved body has been handed over to the Kalmunai Hospital for onward action.
Besides, the Navy extended relief to a group of foreign tourists trapped in floods in Arugam Bay area.