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Lankans living abroad are embarrassed due to current situation which has ruined their country- Expat in Saudi Arabia



Whatever we Sri Lankan expatriates do away from our motherland, our thoughts are always preoccupied with what our countrymen daily undergo back home. However, the embarrassments we face in the hands of other nationals when they come and ask us ‘What happened to Sri Lanka?’ what we can say other than curse the politicians who ruined such a beautiful country without making a verbal commitment. I faced a worse encounter with an Indian helper in a reputed hypermarket chain in Riyadh. Since its location is highly suited and situated on my daily route home after work I rarely miss visiting it.. Since my visits are so frequent to this place, if I do miss just for a couple of days every employee would inquire from me ‘Sir what happened?’. I will cover it up with some valid reasons. There is an Indian helper who has always been so helpful to push my trolley and load the goods into my car. A couple of days ago he did his job cheerfully as in the past and I parted with a few changes as I always do. He thanked me and left. He returned as I was starting the car. He looked as if he was keen to talk to me. I put the shutter down and asked him whether he wanted to tell me anything? He said ‘Sir why don’t you come to India?’ I told him I have visited many times and have covered many important parts of India. ‘Sir what I want to say is for you to settle down in our country with your family.’ I told him thank you very much for your kind invitation but tell me what made you suggest this to me today. He said ‘Sir I listen to Radio, watch TV and read the newspapers whenever I get an opportunity and they all give a sad picture of Sri Lanka’ To please the guy I thanked him and told him let me discuss this with my family and tell you. This is just one incident but we Sri Lankans face numerous such incidents in addition to embarrassing questions.

The politicians who ruined our motherland will waste no time to choose a country of their choice, the U.S, U.K, Australia or even Uganda. We have lived our life.but what we are worried about is what we are leaving for our children, grandchildren and generations to come! The curse on those politicians who ruined this beautiful country praised by everyone who visited it will continue forever!

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