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KPMG & AAFI Webinar on “Islamic Finance through the lens of Taxation & Accounting” on June 15

COLOMBO : The Association of Alternate Financial Institutions (AAFI) has partnered with their member organization, KPMG Sri Lanka, to conduct an interactive webinar titled “Islamic Finance through the lens of Taxation & Accounting” at 2.30pm on June 15.

Anita Menon, Chief Risk Officer, Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad, Malaysia will make the Keynote speech. Ms. Menon, is an active contributor to the industry level through her participation in working groups involving both takaful & insurance association and was involved in the development of a Code of Ethics and Professional Code for the Takaful Industry as well as a  Balanced Scorecard framework for Insurance & Takaful intermediaries aimed at increasing professionalism in the industry.

Anita was featured in Page Executive’s Female Executive Series in 2020 and was named top 50 Most Influential Women in Islamic Business and Finance in 2019 and 2020 by Woman. She was also awarded Upcoming Personality in Islamic Finance (Risk Management) as part of the 9th Global Islamic Finance Awards (GIFA) in September 2019 in Cape Town. 

Shameel Nayeem, Partner – Accounting Advisory, KPMG Sri Lanka will dwell on the Accounting treatment of various Islamic Finance products while Suresh Perera, Principal – Tax & Regulatory, KPMG Sri Lanka will elaborate on the tax implications. 

The webinar will shed light on the complexities arising from the introduction of new Financial Reporting Standards as well as the recent amendments to the Inland Revenue Act No. 24 of 2017.  Suresh Perera stressed the importance of a sound understanding of these changes as well as the impact of the changes when making decisions at both the intuitional level as well as from the perceptive of individual investors 

The AAFI was formed in 2015 for the purpose of furthering the Alternate Finance industry in Sri Lanka through the creation of a forum to voice and discuss the issues pertaining to the alternate finance industry and promote its growth. Currently, AAFI has eighteen voluntary members comprising of a majority of the banking and financial institutions in Sri Lanka.

For more information or to register for the webinar please contact Seneli Jayatunge on or 074 061 0783.

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