KANDY: Children’s Day event was held on Sunday, Oct,2 at the Kandy YMMA Main Hall. The event chaired by its president ASM Ghazali and was organized by Kandy YMMA and supported by District Director Ihthizhan Mohammed.
Niyas Abbas, the sponsor of Daffodils project of Kandy YMMA was the Chief Guest, Guests of honor were Dr. Muzammil who designed the Daffodils school for special needy children in Kandy YMMA, Pakistan Honorary Consul General Afzal Marikar and the Special Guest was Deputy mayor Ilahi Abdeen.
Chief Guest Niyas Abbas and the Guest of Honor Afzal Markar shared their experiences and their willingness to support Kandy YMMA in their future projects. Guest Speaker was Past National President of All Ceylon YMMA Conference Saheed M Rismy.
Saheed M Rismy in his address recalled that October 1st is declared as International Children’s Day and the Senior’s Day. Along with children, seniors are also celebrating this day at Kandy YMMA.
“ On this important day, I think it would be appropriate to tell the historical records related to Kandy YMMA and National Conference on this special occasion”.
“ Yesterday Mr. Ghazali said that the Kandy YMMA was started in 1915. I couldn’t believe it. I searched the relevant books till 2.00 am. Finally, Evidences were found in the book A.M.A. AZEEZ REMINISCENCES by Mareena Ismail.
Dr. A.M.A. Azeez’s interest in the YMMA movement dates back to1933 when he read “Wither Islam” edited by H.A.R. Gibb, where it was stated that the YMMA movement began in Egypt and spread to neighboring countries; the aim of this movement was to foster the need for training among youth.
In Sri Lanka at the beginning of the 20th century, there were a few Muslim associations, formed to encourage welfare work among the community – among others there was the Kandy Muslim Association formed in 1915 and Mutwal Young Men’s Muslim Association formed in 1917, but they functioned separately and on their own. In 1944, The Kandy Association was recognized as the Kandy Young Men’s Muslim Association at which inauguration Azeez in his presidential Address said, “Without striving and effort on our part there will be no help from outside not even from outside not even from the almighty”.
When Azeez and Ummu visited Cairo in 1947, they were able to meet and discuss matters with officials of the YMMA Movement there. Azeez noted the good work done by the YMMA especially in Cairo and Port said; he specifically noted, “the enthusiasm created by the movement among the Muslim youth of Egypt”.
Azeez felt that having a number of small groups working in isolation was not in the greater interest of the community. On his return, with the help of some like-thinking persons, he suggested banding these associations under the Young Men’s Muslim Association Conference which would adhere to one objective, one ideal and one plan of work.
In 1950 this was achieved and 17 YMMAs came together to form the All-Ceylon YMMA Conference. Azeez was elected chairman and Mr. Lafir Cassim from the Maligawatte YMMA, was elected as the Secretary.
The main aim was to train, “A Generation of men worthy of the highest traditions of highest deeds to serve the country in every branch of modern life.” Other objectives were to help in the understanding of Islamic culture and to “bring about an Islamic synthesis of the cultures of east and west by accepting what is good in both of them.” Also, to promote education and foster communal harmony.
Azeez pointed out that “Young” in YMMA did not refer to age but “in the mental sense of possession of the qualities of idealism, alertness and enthusiasm.” He stated that therefore there was a place for all those who were interested. This he stated earlier in 1945 when the Kandy YMMA was inaugurated and the publication “Young Muslim” was launched.
The motto was chosen as “Faith, Unity and Discipline”, while a crest was designed depicting Ka’ba, Adam’s Peak and a star symbolizing the five principles of Islam and a connecting chain depicting unity. The colours chosen for the crest were green and white.
The YMMA Conference was incorporated in June 22nd 1968 by ACT No. 31 of 1968, it is at present a premier Muslim non-political youth and social needs of the community. Azeez was the President for the first three years, but his advice was sought often by successive Presidents until his demise in 1973.
Today, The All-Ceylon YMMA Conference is one of the respected NGOs in the country with a wide network of branches and an impressive record work, including the promotion of inter-communal amity.
Also found records.
In 2012 Mr. Saheed M Rismy was the Kandy District Director of ACYMMAC. During the 2012/2013 Community Development Mobile Project Daffodils and 6Ys were launched by Her Excellency Michele J Season, Ambassador of the United States of America.
Finally, the program was concluded with vote of thanks by Mr. Saheed Gazzaly along with dua and salawath.