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International Mother Language Day- ACJU acknowledges linguistic and cultural diversity, promotes multilingualism

COLOMBO: Secretary General of the All-Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama, As-Shaikh Arkam Nooramith said here on Monday, Feb.21 :
“ We also believe that the Mother Language is a significant blessing of our Lord upon us. Language is one of the most important tool for communication. It is recorded that there are more than 7,000 languages spoken in the world in the present times. We are reminded in the Holy Quran about these beautiful languages which are spoken and communicated across the universe.

In a message issued to mark the International Mother Language Day, the Sheikh said : “ Almighty says: “He created the human being. He has taught him (how) to express himself.” (Surah Ar-Rahman, Verse 3 & 4) He also says: “And He taught ’Ādam the names, all of them; then presented them before the angels, and said, “Tell me their names, if you are right.” (Surah al-Baqarah, Verse 31) It proves that our father, Prophet Adam (Alaihis Salam) learnt to express his knowledge from Almighty Allah and we are inherently representing Prophet Adam (Alaihis Salam) in this world. It is also mentioned in the first revealed Verses of the Holy Quran, that Allah has taught us everything that we did not know. The Holy Quran states: “Read with the name of your Lord who created (everything), He created man from a clot of blood. Read, and your Lord is the most gracious, who imparted knowledge by means of the pen. He taught man what he did not know.” (Surah al-Alaq, Verse 1-5) Thus it is evident that our languages are also taught by Almighty Allah. The Noble Qur’an states: “And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the difference of your tongues and colors. Surely in this there are signs for the persons having knowledge.” (Surah ar-Rum, 30:22). International Mother Language Day is a worldwide annual observance held on 21st February to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and to promote multilingualism. It was first announced by UNESCO on 17 November 1999, it was formally recognized by the United Nations General Assembly with the adoption of UN resolution in 2002. As a noble creation, of the Almighty, who has been given the ability to understand and express ourselves through our Mother languages, let us value and commemorate linguistic and cultural diversity and promote multilingualism while contributing to the development of humanity in all aspects of life.

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