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Indonesian Festival in Colombo on Saturday, August 10

COLOMBO: The Embassy of Indonesia together with The Sri Lanka Indonesia Friendship Association (SLIFA) will hold “THE INDONESIAN FESTIVAL” on Saturday, 10th August at the premises of the Embassy of Indonesia, at 400/50, Sarana Road, Colombo 7 commencing at 2.00 pm.

“The Indonesian Festival” is a cultural evening and Bazaar and is being organized for the third consecutive year. All proceeds from this event will be in aid of charity. 

The High light of this year’s event will be an Indonesian Pavilion, show casing the Indonesia Batik Industry, Indonesian Musical instruments, and other Indonesian products.   

There will be a gala cultural show featuring Indonesian and local artists along with the Police Cultural troupe. The performances showcasing dance items, songs, music and other entertainment acts from both Indonesia and Sri Lanka will keep the audience entertained.

The bazaar will have over 40 stalls displaying and selling a wide range of products from Indonesia and Sri Lanka which includes food items, clothing, household items, Handicrafts, Cosmetics, Fancy items, etc.

The event held last year on September 02, 2023, under theme “Cultural and Charity Bazaar” was a tremendous success with over 2000 people attending the event. From the proceeds of the event the following projects were carried out 

  1. Distribution of schoolbooks to students of K/Kirinda Model School in the Hambantota District, K/Hindu College, and K/Al Amina MV in the Gampola District,
  2. Donation of sewing machines and 3 Nos, filing Cabinets to Hemachandra Gunasekera Maha Vidyalaya in Weligama in the Matara District, 
  3. Renovating/repairing the washrooms at Ariyawamza Maha Vidyalaya in Beruwela in the Kalutara District.
  4. Constructing two roof wells to KM/Al Jalal Vidyalaya & KM/ M.S. Kariapper Vidyalaya in Sainthamathurai, Kalmunai in the Batticaloa District.

The above projects were carried out under the guidance and advise of Her Excellency Madam Dewi Gustina Tobing, Ambassador of Indonesia, Ms Marleena Laxana, President of SLIFA and the Executive Committee of SLIFA. 

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