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Indian Military occupation in Maldives contested

MALE-FROM MNN:  Demonstrations organized by the opposition and a breakaway faction from the ruling MDP are calling to end the Indian Military occupation in the Maldives.  The current government authorized Indian forces to be stationed under a covert understanding with the Indian High Commissioner Sunjay Sudhir.

The opposition is calling it unconstitutional as according to the “Green Constitution of 2007” any such pact with any foreign power should first be approved by an overwhelming majority of the Parliament.  The opposition claims that this document that was signed between the officials of the two countries was not discussed with the Peoples Majlis (Parliament) nor does it have the approval.

Multiple attempts by the fourth estate to delve into the issue was met with bureaucratic red tapes as the heads of the Maldives National Defence Force continue to reject transparency citing that the disclosure the document could constitute a “Threat to the National Security of the country”. A representative of the opposition coalition spoke to the Maldives News Network and stated questioned “How could the government in its right conscience sign a document that could be considered a “National Security Threat” and further conceal it from Parliament?”.

On October 22 the opposition and a breakaway faction from MDP that is calling for the Indian Military to be withdrawn from Maldives and disclosure of all covert and secret pacts between the two parties came out to the streets. It was a show of force never seen since the change of administration in 2018.  The opposition claims thousands gathered and walked the streets chanting “Indian Military Out”.

Sources within the ruling party MDP claim that the breakaway faction from MDP has betrayed the party and is transferring street-level tactics used by MDP against governments to mount pressure and eventually win elections.  Self-proclaimed Revolutionary leader a founder member of MDP Mr. Shuaib Ali and key activists from MDP has been approached by members in a bid to dissuade them. So far, these attempts have failed.

We caught up with Mr. Shuaib Ali who was very unbending on his conviction. He said he will see the project to its successful end. He also mentioned that the opposition alliance consisting of the PPM and PNC, and Defend the Maldives has recognized the Revolutionary Movement of Maldives and they will be working very closely in the future towards their common goal.  Mr. Shuaib Ali said, “This is the Maldives Revolutionary Movement demanding the expulsion of all Indian Military personnel and disclosure of the secret pacts between the two parties.”

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