COLOMBO – The demise of Sheikh us Sajjada Head of the World Shazuliya Thareeqa His Holiness Dr. Ash Sheikh Ajward Abdullah Al Fassy Al MackiShazuli passed away at Baithul Fassy in Makkah Al- Mukkaramah, Saudi Arabia. He was honoured Najimul Ulama and well qualified in Islamic Sharia. Spiritual Leader of Shazuliya Thareeqa arrived in Sri Lanka to participate in various religious programs in 2004. His Janaza ( funeral )took place at Jennathul Muala, Mecca, Saudi Arabia on Wednesday,April 6
Sri Lanka Shazuliya Thareeqa Headquarters Ummu Zavaya Board of Trustees Chairman Al Haj M. Mackie Hashim has requested trustees of the Jumma Mosque and Zaviyas to conduct Janaza Prayers on Friday April 8 after Jumma Prayers.