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‘Gaza bombing – Israel must halt genocidal aggression – Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine

COLOMBO: The ongoing blatant aerial bombing of the Gaza Strip of Palestine by Israel is a continuation of the violent colonial occupation of Palestine by the racist Zionist regime, Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine said in a statement issued on Monday , Aug.8.

The total death toll rose to 29 citizens as at 8th August, including 6 children and 4 women, with 253 civilians wounded, according to the Ministry of Health of Palestine.
The Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine demands the immediate cessation of all military action by Israel. Israel’s aggression is what prompts the defensive armed actions by the Palestinian people who continue to suffer nearly a century of militarised colonial occupation.
This sustained criminal aggression, against a long-besieged Palestinian nation forced to live in small areas of what was originally their native homeland, is a genocidal crime against humanity. All states that militarily support Israeli apartheid must also be held complicit with these genocidal atrocities.
The Committee calls on the United Nations, under whose auspices the state of Israel was established, to impose punitive sanctions against Israel for its perpetration of racist apartheid and genocide against the majority ethnic Arab population just as the UN did against apartheid racism in South Africa.        
The world community, led by the United Nations, must act urgently to stop this continuous massacre of Palestinians by Israeli occupying forces.

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