RIYADH. Two decades ago, on March 19, 2003 President George W. Bush ordered the illegal invasion of Iraq with the coordination of his dear friend Tony Blair. Prior to the invasion Hans Blix, the chief of the UN weapons inspectors team in Iraq told the UN that inspectors found no evidence for any prohibited weapons.
Mohammed El Baradei, Director of International Atomic Energy Agency too declared there is no evidence whatsoever to say that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass destruction. On being questioned why Iraq has said this. He said some hang the warning board ‘Beware of dog’ having dogs at home and some hang it just to scare people but no dogs. This is a similar case!
In an interview soon after the invasion Saddam Hussein said Iraq was America’s original sin during the dawn of the 21st century. A war fought on false assumptions, a conflict that killed thousands of American troops and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
It is on record that Britain had the largest ever anti-war protest against this illegal war there. The two Bs -Bush and Blair- became the two most unpopular figures in the world then. The war also damaged America’s standing in the world and the credibility of the US government among its citizens.