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Flag Hoisting Ceremony in honour of Shaikh Muhiyaddin Abdul Qadir Jailani (RA)

COLOMBO : The annual flag hoisting ceremony commenced at the Maligawatte Grand Jumma Masjid on Saturday, 6 November, 2021 in honour of saint Muḥyiddin Abu Muḥammad Bin Abu Saliḥ Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jailani Al-Ḥassani Wa Al-Ḥussaini, widely known as Shaikh Muhiyaddin Abdul Qadir Jailani (RA).

He is one of the greatest saints in Islamic history who established the Qadiriyya Tareeqa, one of the four main Sufi orders.

This year, the programme was a low key affair and celebrated without participation of the usual crowd due to COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, male and female devotees turned out to witness the flag hoisting and receive the traditional NARISA (the blessed food) that was served to the devotees who took part in the religious programme.

The annual feast will culminate with the lowering of the Flag on the 18th November 2021. 

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