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Fawaza Thaha re-elected president of the Young Women’s Muslim Association at its AGM

COLOMBO : Fawaza Thaha was  re-elected president of the Young Women’s Muslim Association at its AGM held in Colombo on Saturday, August 3.

President Mrs. Fawaza Thaha in her opening speech thanked the members for their continuous  support in all the projects and she also expressed her gratitude to the donors, from several countries and in the island, who have been a great support to the YWMA.

 Mrs. Jennath Ismail was the proterm chairman of the AGM.

Secretary , Treasurer and members also spoke on the occasion.

 Khalid Farouk, patron of the All-Ceylon YMMA Conference,its past president , Haleem Aziz, Its Chairman of the Media Unit and Colombo Times chief editor Mohammed  Rasooldeen and Mrs. Mazahira Jabir were also present as special  guests.

The following were elected office-bearers of the Executive Committee of the YWMA

Mrs. Fawaza  Thaha     President 

Mrs. Suraiya Rizwi         Hony. Secretary 

Mrs. Kaneez Malik         Hony. Treasurer

Vice Presidents      Mrs. Marliya Sideek 

                               Mrs. Zakiya Siddeek 

                              Mrs. Noorul Ain Hussain 

Assistant Treasurer   Mrs. Shalina Mahir

Assistant  Secretary  Mrs. Zahara Zuhoor

Patron                 Mrs. Halida  Shahabdeen

Vice Patron          Mrs. Mazahira Jabir

Past President / Advisor  Mrs Jennath Ismail

The meeting concluded with Salawath  distribution of gifts and fellowships  followed by a sumptuous lunch.

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