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Daughter’s tribute to her father,who founded Colombo Times

COLOMBO : At the iftar reception hosted by Colombo Times Editor Mohammed Rasooldeen,his daughter made an emotional speech which touched the hearts of the audience.

Full text of her speech appended here verbatim :

“ Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu,
I stand before you today with immense pride and honour to address such an esteemed gathering. If you are here today, it is because you hold a special place in my father’s heart.
My father is a man of vision, determination, and unwavering dedication. He pours his heart and soul into everything he does, never settling for anything less than excellence. Colombo Times exists today because of his sleepless nights, relentless hard work, and unshakable commitment to his goals. It is not just a publication—it is the embodiment of his passion, perseverance, and his deep desire to make a positive difference in the world.
I sincerely thank Mr. Rizmi Riyal, Chairman of Traveller Global, for being a pillar of support to my father—mentoring him and guiding him from the inception of Colombo Times. Thank you very much, Uncle! You hold an esteemed position in my father’s heart..
I feel truly honored to stand here on behalf of my sister and brothers as we reflect on the lessons he has imparted. Dada, is a man who truly loves people. He has treated everyone he meets with the same warmth and kindness—whether rich or poor, young or old. His rare gift of making others feel at ease in any situation has created an atmosphere of trust and respect wherever he goes.
More than anything, he has taught us humility. He always reminds us that while hard work is essential, true success comes only with the grace of Allah. He firmly believes that Allah’s help comes in mysterious ways, and he often shares stories from his own life to remind us of this.
I’d like to share one such story with you today—a story that will forever be in our minds.
When my father first traveled to Riyadh at the beginning of his journey, he realized that he had forgotten to bring his diabetes medication. Alone in a foreign country, with no one to turn to, he felt distressed and uncertain about what to do. Feeling helpless, he turned to the one place that always brought him comfort—the mosque.
There, he sat, reciting the Quran and praying earnestly for a solution. As the call to prayer, the Adhaan, echoed through the mosque, he stood up to place the Quran on a nearby table. To his astonishment, there, right on top of the table, was a card of Euglucon tablets—the exact medication he needed.
In that moment, he was speechless. He looked around, expecting someone to have left it there by accident, but there was no one in sight. Overcome with emotion, he stood there with tears in his eyes, humbled by Allah’s mercy and kindness.
This is just one of many stories that illustrate my father’s deep faith and trust in Allah. His journey has been one of unwavering belief, hard work, and perseverance. Today, we do not just celebrate his accomplishments—we celebrate the values he has instilled in all of us: faith, humility, and the importance of trusting in Allah’s plan.
Dada, you often ask me whether I am more like Mama or you, and I always say Mama. Every single time. And you never accept it! But today, I want you to know that, in terms of public speaking and my personality, I have inherited so much from you. It is a gift that I will carry forward always, Inshallah. I also want to thank you for those embassy functions I dreaded attending from the age of 14. Little did I know that they would unknowingly shape my personality. And for the countless Umrah trips, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Before I conclude, I would like to leave you all with one of my father’s favorite quotes:
“But oars alone can never prevail to reach the distant coast. The breadth of heaven must swell the sail.” – William Cowper
May Allah continue to guide him, bless his efforts, and allow us all to learn from his wisdom.
Jazakallah Khair, and thank you all for being here today..”

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