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Colombo Times celebrates completion of three years on June 22, 2021.

Although we are only 3 years young, Colombo Times wishes to acknowledge and appreciate your contribution in ensuring that our reach is not far behind from veterans in the industry.

Colombo Times takes pride in

•       Informing independent, accurate verified news as always

•       Reporting in a timely, unbiased, manner

•       Being your voice and communicating your thoughts to the world

•       Sharing news on the various contributions done by foreign diplomatic missions based in Colombo.

 Colombo Times stands tall on par with the industry players with significant reach not only in Sri Lanka but world over.

 Our global reach extends as far as the US, Australia, Germany, UK and the Middle East. 

 Our popularity with the expatriate community is indisputable.

 We share our gratitude and appreciation with our readers both home and abroad and respectfully seek your continuous support to enable Colombo Times to attract more readership and offer better services to local and international communities.

 We appreciate the continuous support rendered to us by Government agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s), Embassies  based in Colombo and across the seas.

 Our solid relationship with the diplomatic offices and the local communities and our dedication to building bridges with diplomatic offices is reflected in the opportunity granted to Colombo Times to publish four special supplements.

 In addition to Sri Lanka’s National Day, the supplements covered countries such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and also special occasions.

 As we take steps in to yet another year, we are confident in remaining your most preferred online daily and trusted source for news and analysis.

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