DHAKA: On the occasion of 26 March, the 50th anniversary of the Independence and National Day of Bangladesh, I extend my heartfelt greetings and warm felicitations to all Bangladeshis living both home and abroad. The golden jubilee of our independence and the Birth Centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman are being celebrated this year. This is a rare occasion in our history.
On this auspicious day, I recall with profound reverence the greatest Bangali of all time, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Under the dynamic, courageous and charismatic leadership of the Father of the Nation, the people of this territory brought the red sun of the independence breaking the shackles of subjugation of thousands of years. I pay my profound homage to the 3 million martyrs and 2 hundred thousand mothers and sisters whose supreme sacrifice ushered us an independent and sovereign Bangladesh coloured in red and green. My respectful salute goes to all freedom fighters including the wounded war heroes. I also pay my profound gratitude to the diplomatic front that, during and after our Liberation War, played a vital role in gaining international recognition. I also acknowledge, with deep gratitude, the enormous contributions of our foreign friends in the emergence of independent and sovereign Bangladesh.
The charismatic leadership of the Father of the Nation united the whole nation like a solid rock under one umbrella. The seeds of development of the country were sown under the leadership of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He took over the leadership of a war-ravaged and economically backward country. Bangabandhu accomplished the formidable tasks of rehabilitation and rebuilding the nation just in three and half a year. Conspirators and enemies committed the heinous crime on 15 August 1975 to thwart our advancement.
Following the guided path of Bangabandhu, his able daughter Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is determined to build a knowledge-based and prosperous country. As a result of various pragmatic initiatives taken by the present government, Bangladesh has been transformed into an economic miracle with a sustained high growth during last 12 years. Bangladesh, with its proinvestment policies, huge domestic market, strategically important geopolitical location, political stability and its hard-working skilled people, has become a lucrative destination for foreign investment. According to the Center for Economics & Banking Research, a London based thinktank, Bangladesh is expected to be the 25th largest economy in the world by 2035. Bangladesh under the able leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has done a remarkable job in tackling the Covid-19 global pandemic while keeping our economy on almost at full functionality. Even amid the Covid-19 Pandemic, Bangladesh achieves a GDP growth of 5.24% which is the highest among all Asian countries.
I hope that the Bangladeshi expatriate will participate and support on the ongoing advancement of the government. I thank all the members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and our Missions abroad who have been working with deep commitment to uphold our national interest across nations.
On this historic day of Independence, let us all vow to transform Bangladesh into a prosperous, technology-based, developed Sonar Bangla.
Joi Bangla, Joi Bangabandhu.
May Bangladesh Live Forever.