COLOMBO : Today 01st December 2020 is the 95th birth anniversary of Marhoom Al Haj M.L.M.Farook former Registrar of Muslim Marriages and Ex Librarian Zahira College, Colombo who peacefully passed away at the age of 71 years after a fruitful service to the Muslim Community in particular and the Country in general.
In 1949 he was absorbed into the staff of Zahira College Colombo by the then Principal late Dr. A.M.A. Azeez as a Librarian which post he held until his retirement in 1989.
He served Zahira College for more than 40 years. Even after retirement he served as the Secretary of the Old Boys Association and Parents Teachers Association. He was one of the oldest Zahirians who studied under the late Dr. T.B. Jayah and subsequently he served Zahira from the time of late Dr. A.M.A. Azeez to the time of late R.I.T. Alles.
Zahira College Centenary book titled ‘One Hundred Years 1892 – 1992 where the two authors M. M. M. Mahroof BA (Hons) Attorney at Law, an Old Boy and former Principal Mr.A.M.A.Azeez’s daughter Mrs. Marina Ismail BA (Hons), M. Phil remarked that they wish to place on record the help given to them by Al Haj M.L.M.Farook JP., an Old Boy who was College Librarian for forty years and whose knowledge of College affairs was encyclopedic This alone was evident that Haji Farook dedicated his life and times for His Alma Mater for the last forty years.
Haji M.L.M.Farook became the National President of the All Ceylon YMMA conference in 1973 at their annual conference held at the M.I.M.Naleem Hajiar Stadium, Beruwela under the presence of Dr. Badi Ud Din Mahmud (Former Minister of Education ) and Al Haj M.I.M.Naleem
Marhoom Haji Farook mostly throughout his career associated with Dr.A.M.A.Azeez in Zahira College and in YMMA affairs for more than 40 years as his trusted colleague.
Also Haji Farook served as a Secretary of the Maligawatte Jumma Mosque for more than 40 years.( BY MARSHAD BARRY SECRETARY, COLOMBO UNIVERSITY JOURNALISM ASSOCIATION )