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AAFI organizes webinar on non interest based Alternate Financing products on 9th August

COLOMBO- The Association of Alternate Financial Institutions (AAFI) is engaged in supporting the promotion and growth of the non-interest based banking and finance industry by creating a forum for members to voice, discuss and arrive at common solutions to challenges faced. The Association also stands to make collective representation to the relevant policy makers and regulatory authorities to establish a level playing field in Accounting, Tax and Legal aspects.

AAFI with the objective of disseminating knowledge on Islamic Finance Products, will be hosting its third webinar of the series on Non-interest based Alternate Financing Products, together with Commercial Bank PLC.

The third complimentary webinar will focus on ‘Murabaha’ (Cost plus/ Profit disclosed sale) & ‘Musawamah’ (Profit undisclosed sale) where the presentation on the subject will be carried out by Ms. Feroza Ameen (Head of Islamic Banking at Commercial Bank) and Mr. Shiraz Nilam (Senior Assistant Manager, Islamic Banking Unit at Commercial Bank) followed by Q and A. The panel session will be moderated by Ms. Rifka Ziyard (Secretary of AAFI and Principal- Tax & Regulatory at KPMG). The Webinar will be held on 9th August 2024 (Friday) at 3.00 pm.

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