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A Sri Lankan Hajj pilgrim dies of cardiac failure in Makkah

JEDDAH : Al-haj Atham Lebbe Abdul Gafoor* of 174, Muslim Central College Road, Akkataipatru-6, holder of passport No. N11278608 passed away on Wednesday,  morning ,June 19 due to heart failure. 

Confirming the death, Sri Lankan Consul General in Jeddah told Colombo Times the the deceased was 68 years old and his remains are in King Abdul Aziz Hospital at  Sara Siththeen in Holy Makkah. 

Marhoom Al-Haj Atham Lebbe Abdul Gaffoor has come to Makkah to perform Hajj pilgrimage with Hathee Hajj Travels which is merged under Azmy Hajj Travels and Tours. 

The Hajj Committee, Department of Muslim Religious Affairs, Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Jeddah and Azmy Hajj Travels and Hathee Hajj Travels  are making all necessary arrangements  to bury the Janaza in Holy Makkah city on Wednesday itself ( 19th June ).

This year, some , 3500 Lankans went for Hajj pilgrimage and this was the first death reported from the group, according to the Sri Lankan Hajj Committee.

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