Our dearest Sir and Sri Lankan brother, mother Lanka was sailing well with storms striking from time and again
The covid storm too left a large hole on our ship and now
We have the passengers accusing the captain and the sailors for which they had not much control and at a time when some sailors too are adding their weight to the sinking ship comes a brave sailor who wows to fix the hole with the limited help he’s got and make everyone sail again to the shores of stability…
A leader and a patriot sees no colour no race , gender or religion but on a mission to save the sinking ship with the help of all and it is upto every passenger now to help the brave sailor together to see that the captain can see us home to safety
Congratulations and wish you God’s and the Triple Gem’s choicest blessings for this mission to save our motherland . Rest assured that we are all behind you all the way in helping our country to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of covid.