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A few words on UNASL

COLOMBO : The United Nations Association in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (UNASL) is one of the pioneer Non-Governmental organizations in Sri Lanka which was established on the 19th August, 1950, five years before Sri Lanka was admitted as a Member State of the United Nations on 14th December, 1955, together with 15 other countries.

The Association is registered under the Sri Lanka Companies Act No.17 of 1982 and under the amendment to this Act in 2007. The Association is also registered with the Department of Social Services as well as the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) Council.

In 1951, the United Nations Association of Sri Lanka was admitted as the sole National Affiliate of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), joining the rest of the world comprising around 100 member countries, in hosting seminars, lectures, educational sessions and inter-school competitions throughout the country, thus creating a better understanding among communities. UNA-Sri Lanka is today one of the most senior members of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, actively involved in the work of WFUNA.

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