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A book on Muslim heritage of Eastern Sri Lanka- Edited by Asif Hussein and SHM Jameeel

COLOMBO : The Muslim Heritage of Eastern Sri Lanka is a pioneering work recording the traditional society, lifestyle and culture of the Muslims of the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka.

The work was conceived by the Muslim Women’s Research and Action Forum due to “the lamentable decline of hallowed old customs and traditions, the gradual obliteration of some arts and crafts and the hardly noticeable fading of the folklore of this region” which ultimately evolved into this well illustrated coffee table book.
This book runs to over 300 pages and covers a wide range of topics relating to the Muslim heritage of the East contributed by the leading scholars in the field and includes history, rites of passage at birth, marriage and death, folklore, literature, architecture, arts and crafts, foods and beverages, dress and ornamentation, economic life and social organisation.

A Must Read for all those interested in Sri Lankan Muslim Society and Culture.
Further info from : 077 4835 972

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