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The story behind the four Sri Lankans arrested in India for smuggling


COLOMBO- Four Sri Lankans were arrested  on Monday 20 May 2024  at the  Ahmadabad Airport in India  for  smuggling of gold and drugs.  

According to Daily Mirror of 23 May 2024  Sri Lanka’s state intelligence has asked for further information from India’s state intelligence  to verify the background of these alleged suspects, as well as to probe if they are actually linked to the ISIS network.

Thus so far there was no report of their involvement in any organization promoting violence.  One should not forget the government in power in India  is extremely hostile to   Muslims.They demonize  and    unleash violence against Muslims.On the other hand it is ridiculous to state that they went to India to commit crime for mere Rs 100.000/ each.

However   within  24 hours  Rohana Gunaratne, the terrorist expert who is blind to the  on going RSS-BJP atrocities on Indian  Muslims  and the US-European backed Israeli genocide roasting and toasting Palestinians  , had given a fatwa describing  Sri Lankans  caught in India as ISIS agents.

This was done even before the Indian authorities started their inquiries .Perhaps Mr Gunaratne has his own information channel to Indian intelligence? The question is  how could  Gunaraten accuse these four people, perhaps professional smugglers, of being ISIS members even before Indian authorities started their investigations?

His statement warned Sri Lanka of ISIS threat . It was published on 22 May in the Ceylon Today under the title *Message to the Sri Lankan government and Muslim leaders:* “Do not live in denial, acknowledge the truth, and address radicalization”.

Such provocative  statements demonising Islam and Muslims  has been Gunaratne’s speciality  for reasons better known to him. In his statement on 23 May 2024  this is what  Rohan Gnaratne stated;

 “I have painstakingly stressed that the scourge of the Islamic State (ISIS) has not gone away from Sri Lanka even though Zahran and his infrastructure was disrupted. The ideology that is producing Zahran’s are intact.  Zahran was only the symptom of a larger problem of radicalization in the country. 

Whether we like it or not, the radicalisation is a regional challenge that will grow. The extremist organizations have established a presence in Sri Lanka. Based on interviews with detainees that staged a catastrophic attack, I have shared the details of the network in my book  “Sri Lanka’s Easter Attack: Lessons for the International Community”. conclded Mr Rohan

 Many alleged that IS is a direct product of Israel, sometimes weaponizing the acronym to call it the “Israeli secret intelligence service.”  An X account called “Suppressed Voice,” which routinely amplifies Hamas propaganda and glorifies terrorism as a form of “resistance,” posted these conspiratorial sentiments alongside the false claim that Mossad is also an IS-affiliate.

Islamic State said that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was actually a Jewish agent of the Mossad seeking to sow destruction and anarchy in Syria and other regions,

Isn’t it time that o Rohan Gunratne speak about the barbarity unleashed by Israel with the complete support of US and Europe,  indiscriminately killing innocent Palestinians. This not only include children but even babies taken out of the womb of murdered   women. Latest being headless children. So far they have killed more than 36,000 Palestinians although the estimated figure is around 100,000 as  those buried under the rubble of bombed and destroyed buildings were not counted.

The Zionist Jews and their US European partners have caused immeasurable sufferings to Palestinians who were deprived of   water, food,medicine .electricity and shelter.

Zionists were committing  these barbarities  to justify their- US-European-Israeli wars invading Muslim countries and killing innocent Muslims worldwide.

This began with the collapse  of former Soviet Union in december 1988.So far number of Muslims countries were destroyed and millions of Muslims were slaughtered. Did  any Muslim country any where in the  world, invade a non Muslim country leave alone massacring  their people  in the way US-Europe and Israel had done and still doing?

Isn’t it  time that Mr Gunaratne  write about  US-European Israeli war crimes in Bosnia,Afghanistan,Iraq,Syria,Libya and now in Gaza  rather than demonizing Islam and Muslims and help justify  US-European Israeli war mongers destroy Muslim countries and kill  Muslims  world wide.

Sri Lanka is passing through a  very difficult period due to racist politics which divided the communities and contributed to the  current economic crisis. Under the circumstance  the need of the hour is  for all to get together to pull the country out  of this man made disaster and not divide communities.

Of the three communities in Sri Lanka Muslims were the most peaceful.They never resorted  to violence to restore their rights.Even in the case of Easter Sunday massacre only few Muslim individuals were accused  but the community as a whole ,even after five years, proved nothing to do with it.

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