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70 year old man collapses in petrol queue in Kandy,while kilo of milk powder shoots upto Rs 1,945

KANDY: A 70-year old man collapsed at a petrol shed while he was waiting for his turn to get kerosene at a petrol station in Udatalawinne in Kandy on Saturday.March 19

Meanwhile the price of 400g packet of milk powder has been increased by Rs. 250 with immediate effect, the Milk Powder Importers’ Association said this evening.

Thereby, the revised price of a packet of milk powder now stands at Rs. 790 per 400g, while a kilo which was sold at Rs1,345 will be sold at Rs 1,945.

The importers decided to increase the prices of the product once again due to the price hike in the global market and the appreciation of US dollar against the Sri Lankan rupee.

The rates last went up in December 2021. The price of milk powder was Rs. 540 per 400g after the last price revision.

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