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SLBFE announces increased fees for migrant workers, employment agencies

COLOMBO : The Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) has announced the revision of  fees charged from migrant workers and overseas employment agencies, which will be in effect from July 01.

The SLBFE revised the registration and registration renewal fees for migrant workers and agency renewal fees in an Extraordinary Gazette dated 23 June 2023, issued as per the order of the Minister of Labor and Foreign Employment.

Meanwhile, it has been made mandatory for every Sri Lankan leaving for overseas employment to register with the Foreign Employment Bureau.

Further, the bureau will grant the license for a foreign employment agency only for a period of one year, however, if the agency continues to operate, obtaining the bureau’s approval to extend the license should be done under the provisions of the SLBFE Act.

The SLBFE says further details in this regard can be obtained via the hotline of its information center,which is operational round the clock.

The revised rates as per the relevant gazette notification are as follows;

01) Registration fee for migrant workers

Current rate –  Rs. 17,928.00 (tax included)

Revised rate –  Rs. 21,467.00 (tax included)

02) Registration renewal fee

Current rate –  Rs. 3,774.00 (tax included)

Revised rate –  Rs. 4,483.00 (tax included)

03) License renewal fee for employment agencies

Current rate –  Rs. 58,974.00 (tax included)

Revised rate –  Rs. 117,949.00 (tax included)

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